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Showing posts from December 8, 2020


WHAT ARE WORMHOLES? From science to science fiction wormholes seem to be a pretty interesting topic, after all, it's no wonder we see it everywhere from DC comics to Star Trek but within the last 30 years interest in wormholes has tremendously increased leaving us wondering how exactly do these odd pockets do in space even work.  Let us imagine walking down the street and coming across what seems to be a tear in space a hole if you will then step into this hole and find  out it can transport you anywhere in space-time that is what a wormhole can do. Wormholes themselves are a paradox their anatomy is so simple consisting of two mouths connected by a throat or tube  yet their function connecting two different points in space-time.   A  wormhole would basically be like a bridge or tunnel which would allow us to take a shortcut and save us a huge trip.  So how exactly it is passing   through a wormhole work strictly   speaking a wormhole is a tube with a   black hole at one end and a