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Showing posts from December 23, 2020


HOW DOES GRAVITY AFFECT TIME Before we get started I want to tell you that this is the first article on gravity. We will be publishing the other article of this series very soon and just one more thing this is a small article. So, Let's get started. Gravity, this is the force that governs our everyday  lives. It pulls us down prevents our  solar system from flying apart but the  ultimate question is, what is gravity? To  understand gravity we have to understand  what our universe is made out of, So the  two basic elements are space and time. W ithout these two important elements, the  universe would not be possible, However  too many physicists especially Isaac  Newton believed space and time were two different  entities that had absolutely nothing to  do with each other. But Einstein saw things differently. Albert Einstein saw things  differently to him space and time were  actually one and the same, he  called this interwoven entity of  space and time. Space-time, you can think