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I started the wormhole series on this blog with the little video titled what is a wormhole while that article may have answered what wormholes are it left many of you at the law of questions the most important one being are the existence of wormholes even possible for a while now these mysterious tunnels through space-time have been poking at our Wonder and our curiosity is only ever growing so today we'll be journeying further on our quest to make our wildest sci-fi dreams a reality.

I'm assuming you've read the first article on wormholes if you haven't check this link over here and I hope you rough knowledge of the concept of the theory of relativity if don't know don't worry I will write a separate article on that topic. In the previous article, we learnt about what is a wormhole and how it works but there was one major issue which the article didn't touch. we assumed that the wormhole stays open. Generally, wormholes are naturally very unstable and collapse nearly the instant that they're formed.

To understand what I'm talking about I need you to lc is far from being empty it's filled with particle and antiparticle pairs which briefly pop in and out of existence if we zoomed an even closer we would see that the actual curvature of space is undergoing similar fluctuations and during these fluctuations microscopic black holes form, which can lead to the formation of einstein-Rosen bridges but the thing is these black holes only come into existence for about 10 that negative 23 seconds(10^-23) at this scale making any wormholes which may exist too small and short-lived for travel even light wouldn't have the time to make it through.

So if we can't even get the light to pass through how will we manage to fit people or spaceships through well we can achieve a stable wormhole through the use of negative energy for those of you who haven't been keeping up before we go any further let's take a look at the simple anatomy of a wormhole the ends of a wormhole contain mouths which are connected by its throat wormholes require negative energy to maintain their stability negative energy helps stabilize a wormhole by pushing on the walls of the throat of the wormhole keeping the wormhole from collapsing in on itself so how do we obtain negative energy? the answer is Exotic matter.
Exotic matter a form of matter which is not made up of subatomic particles like protons and neutrons that normal or baryonic matter is made of. The exotic matter has negative energy but how would that work mathematically according to Einstein's E equals MC squared(E=MC^2) which says mass and energy are interchangeable if our energy is negative in this case then that means our mass is also negative in other words exotic matter has negative mass it's hard to describe the physical structure of an object with negative mass but let me put it to you this way it's a piece of exotic matter with the mass of normal matter but with the opposite sign again if you're scratching your head don't worry it can be a bit confusing at first but just keep in mind the abstract concept I told you for the purpose of this article. 

So anyways normal matter that makes you and I have an attractive gravitational field meaning that it exerts a gravitational force big or small which pulls objects towards it whereas negative matter has a repulsive gravitational field meaning objects will have a force acting on them which pushes them away which is why exotic matter can be used to stabilize the throat of a wormhole as of now the exotic matter is hypothetical and is yet to be found to make matters worse cosmologists also say that negative mass violates the theory of relativity that's because the theory of relativity only allows for anti-gravity fields with reasonable states of matter so then scientists made some modifications for the negative mass theory and then realize that if negative mass existed in the fluid form instead of solid form it wouldn't conflict with the theory of relativity although the issue of where exactly can we find exotic matter is still unanswered.

So however some interesting ideas have popped up for example jamie Farnes at the University of Oxford claims that dark matter and energy could be a single unified fluid of negative mass and has even gone as far as to propose modifications to the theory of relativity and create a 3d computer model to show how it could theoretically work now that theory is still under development so it's too early to say how it could turn out but it does open up a chance for us to look at it in a next article after all negative mass and exotic matter isn't a simple concept that can be explained in one article but then again neither are any of the fun topics in science speaking of fun topics remember how I mentioned in the earlier article that wormholes couldn't just transport you anywhere in space but through time as well how does that work unfortunately, we've used up all our time today talking about exotic matter but feel free to join us for the in the next article on this wormhole series where we bring science through the world of science fiction and figure out the physics of time travel with wormholes.

Physics is often stranger than science fiction, and I think science fiction takes its cues from physics: higher dimensions, wormholes, the warping of space and time, stuff like that.

                                                                                                                --Michio Kaku

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