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"Che Guevara" you might have heard about him or maybe you might have seen his pictures, posters, wallpapers, or even tattoos. He was idolized by many people. Not by a region or by a country he is followed by the whole world. So, what made him that the whole world symbolized and followed him, have you ever wondered about that ?? 


He was born in Argentina, his full name was Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna, born on 14 June 1928 in a middle-class family of five children, he was the eldest one. He was also of Irish descent. He was also passionate about playing rugby. He suffered from asthma from a young age, sometimes he used to have difficulties in breathing. He first joined in engineering but his asthma problems influenced him to join in medicine. In 1953, he graduated from the University of Buenos Aires as a physician. He also loved poetry.



He always wanted to travel across Latin America. In 1952, during his graduation days he started his journey, this journey changed his life forever. At that time South America was filled with poverty, some businessmen from North America built factories and made these people work in them. People from here worked in their factories, mines, and also they were as laborers. These poor people were exploited by them. After seeing the tragic lives of these poor people, he determined that one day he will change the lives of the people by fighting against the system. 


From a young age, Che Guevara was curious about Marxism, which is the idea of no classes because these classes were the cause of struggles. Maybe because of this he thought that medicine is not enough to fight against the system and decided that revolution is the only way. He then thought of starting his revolution in Bolivia but because of some problems there, he started for Guatemala in December 1953. He met so many leaders in Guatemala who are fighting the same war. There he met Hilda Gadea Acosta, she is a Peruvian economist. In 1955, he married Hilda and they had their first child in 1956. She introduced him to some high-level officials in Arbenz Government. 


Later he knew about the revolutionist Fidel Castro from his brother Raul Castro. He later introduced Guevara to his Castro and they started a journey in a ship from Mexico to Cuba with another 82 members to overthrow the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista. During this, he was divorced from Hilda and married Aleida March in 1959. After coming to Cuba there were so many riots and fights that happened between these rebels and the Cuban Government. America Helped the Batista Government in this and supplied weapons. During this revolution, Che Guevara killed the thieves and some others who were tormenting the poor people of Cuba. After 2 years of rebellion the finally they overthrew the dictatorship of Batista and strengthened the Castro government. 


In Castro's government, Che Guevara became the head of the National Bank in Cuba, Ministry of the Industries, and as a Commanding officer of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces. He was given important positions related to finance and the economy. In his time as a leader, he arranged health clinics and schools for children from poor families. Because of his works, Cuba's literacy rate was increased to more than 96%. 


He later left all his jobs and went to Bolivia with some others to start another revolution against them. Everyone warned him that his plans against them would be suicidal because the US was with the Bolivian government. He thought that the Bolivian army was not trained but the US army trained and advised them and gave weapons to them as their primary concern was to kill Che Guevara. Che Guevara and his guerrilla force stayed in the Bolivian forest and started attacking them. They started fighting each other, initially, the Bolivian Government overestimated the guerrilla force. But Che Guevara and his men were in Bolivian forest, they didn't have any resources and the local communist party didn't help them as they promised which led them to become weak. In his diary, he wrote about the communist part of Bolivia as "distrustful, disloyal and stupid." In addition to this Che Guevara's asthma became another problem for him. His health condition gradually weakened him and lost so much weight. On 7 October 1967, an informant told the Bolivian army about the encampment of guerrilla's. On the following day, they attacked the encampment and killed so of the members. Injured Che Guevara came out of the encampment and surrendered. In his diary, he wrote, "peasants do not give us any help, and they are turning into informers." 


Bolivian army kept him inside a dark room in an old school. The next day the Bolivian Government ordered to kill Che Guevara. They sent a man to kill him called Teran. Che Guevara said to the man " I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward! You are only going to kill a man!". Then Teran shot Che Guevara. Teran shot him 9 times, 5 times in the legs, one in the right shoulder and arm, one in the chest and throat. He was later pronounced dead. Che Guevara's body was displayed to make his followers and the people believe that he was dead because no one will believe his death. To make them believe they cut his hands and sent to Cuba. Before sending it to Cuba they sent to Buenos Aires for fingerprint identification. They didn't even bury him properly because they thought that this would result in more revolutions. They have hidden the place of his burial. It wasn't until 28 years later Bolivian General Mario Vargas told the location of his buried place. Later his remaining's were collected and laid to rest with military honors. This is what made him a symbol or this is why he is idolized.  

           "I would rather die standing up to live life on my knees."

                                                 -- "CHE GUEVARA"         
I think you might have found the answer to the question.

Image source-Google

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