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Have you ever thought of how we dream? why do we dream? and what is a dream? Dreams are the electrical impulses caused by the brain. These impulses caused by the brain extract some random pictures from our memories and creates a story around them. You might have thought that dreams can mean something but they don't actually mean anything. They are just a simple simulation of our thoughts. There were many theories around the meaning and significance of dreams. What we're going talk about is can we control our dreams?


Yes, we can control our dreams. Which actually means that we can be conscious while we are dreaming. The whole process of being conscious during our dreams is called lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming can happen to anyone. You might also happen to have experienced lucid dreaming without noticing it. On average more than 55 percent of us have experienced this one or more than once in our lifetime. for some, it happens spontaneously, and others train themselves. 


There are so many ways to achieve this state. Generally, it occurs during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep is a state in our sleep that occurs after ninety minutes of sleep. During this, our eyes move rapidly and the brain paralyzes our muscles or reduces muscle tone to prevent from acting out our dreams. Dreams occur in this state of sleep. 

Techniques for lucid dreaming

REALITY CHECKING                           
The basic one is a reality check, in this, we just have to question ourselves whether we are dreaming right now or not. Our thought-processing in sleep and in our wake works similarly, by repeatedly questioning ourselves during the day, might also ask ourselves during the dreams. This induces Lucid dreaming. The question we have to ask is " Am I dreaming? " then, we have to check our surroundings, things, and how our conscious we are. Common reality checks people use are Mirrors: to check our reflection, hands: Checking our hands whether they are normal or not, Objects: Rotate an object if it continuously rotates then you are in a dream. We have to do reality checks multiple times, which eventually ends up asking in our dreams which can induce a lucid dream.


There are some other techniques for this like, some people go to sleep by turning on their lights. When they are sleeping this light helps them to realize that they were in a dream, which induces Lucid dreaming. and others try to wake up in the middle of a dream by setting an alarm at a particular time. For me, it will be around 4am. Then we have to focus on something like reading a book for 15-20 minutes and again go back to sleep. This technique is also likely to have a Lucid dream. It is not easy to have a Lucid dream we have to try hard and have to train our brain to react to the circumstances that we created. Do you know that there are some drugs that can induce lucid dreams?

Lucid dreaming can be creative. for some, it was like opening a conscious door where they can explore their inner world. Some people explored and understood lucid dreaming. They often solved problems in their dreams. Isn't that creative. But everything comes at a price even for lucid dreaming. It can be stressful because of the lack of quality sleep. For people having mental health disorders, it may blur the line between imagination and reality. It causes hallucinations, confusion, and stressfulness. 

I think you got the answer to the question.

Image source-Google

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