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Our universe is estimated to be around 93 billion light-years width and it's constantly expanding but then again that's just the observable universe alone astronomy is an amazing field of science but before you dive into the wonderful world of astronomy let me share with you some basic facts that might help you, later on, let's start off with the term Lightyear which is a very commonly used astronomical term but what exactly does it mean a Lightyear simply put is a distance light travels in one year which is about 5.88 trillion miles.

In astronomy, we also use the 
word parsec which means 3.26 light-years but let's just try to keep things as simple as possible so we now know that one light-year is about 5.88 miles and the universe is about 93 billion light-years wide and when we multiply those two numbers together 92,00,00,00,000*58,80,00,00,00,000=5,40,96,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000(I don't even know how to pronounce it if you do know comment below) if we get this yep that's the measure of the universe and miles anyway our universe is governed by four forces gravity which pulls and holds everything together with the electromagnetic force which we perceive in the form of light the strong force which is responsible for holding together the atomic nuclei and finally the weak force which is responsible for a radioactive decay but forgets about the four forces let's start exploring the universe from our own solar system.

Our solar system which 
by the way, is composed of eight planets, not nine sorry Pluto then we have the Oort cloud which is a spherical collection of icy objects surrounding our solar system this is the origin for most long-period comets that have been observed and on a larger scale, we have the one hundred thousand light-years wide Milky Way galaxy with the massive black hole that has the mass of about four million Suns in the centre of the galaxy 26,000 light-years away from us, however, the Milky Way is quite puny compared to some other galaxies like m87 which is an elliptical galaxy 980 thousand light-years in diameter and who could forget the lovely Andromeda galaxy which is about 2.2 million light-years away and constantly approaching our galaxy at about 670000 miles per hour and the one day collides with our galaxy five billion years from now to produce no dromeda, oh man I've mentioned so many galaxies but how many galaxies are there in our universe.

Our universe contains about 100 
billion galaxies but there are only 10 billion galaxies that are estimated to be in the observable universe and all of them combined are estimated to contain about 1 billion trillion stars and out of those 1 billion trillion stars one hundred billion to four hundred billion stars are estimated to be in the Milky Way alone our universe is so big that if I listed every fact about it this article would never end but like I said there are trillions of stars out there and there are billions of galaxies out there so if you want to keep on adventuring in astronomy your adventure will never end. I promise you guys I would write another article on the universe in near future.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
--Albert Einstein

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