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'Matter' when we go out we see trees, buildings, cars, motorcycles, etc... We are surrounded by matter Everywhere. Stars, planets, galaxies everything is matter. All this visible matter is just about 5% and the rest of it is dark matter and dark energy. All we experience is just a tiny bit of a fraction of the universe. But the thing is that we don't much about this dark matter and dark energy. To say what we know about this dark matter and dark energy is actually what it is not. We don't know what it is made up of and how but we know its effect on gravity and light. 


Our universe constitutes of planets, stars, galaxies they all have gravity but their gravity is not strong enough to hold them as they are. They are held by something which is strong enough to hold them together and cannot be seen doesn't emit or reflect light, what holds them is Dark matter. Dark matter is everywhere, it is scattered across the universe but we cannot see it unlike this we can experience its effects on light. Dark matter is not like other matter with stars and dust. Dark matter is also not like anti-matter which produces gamma rays when reacts with normal matter. Like I said earlier what we know about this dark matter is actually what it is not. Dark matter has a property that when the light goes near this dark matter, it bends the light and this phenomenon of bending the light is called gravitational lensing.  


         NASA has recently found three galaxies with dark matter. They said that these new galaxies had so much dark matter and their gravitational lensing effect is 10 times stronger. This is the first we have found so much dark matter. 


In 1998 a scientist named Saul Perlmutter was researching some things about our universe like whether or not the universe will live forever or do our universe come to an end at some point. In the early stages, it was believed that our universe is not expanding or that someday the pull of gravity might cause our planets and everything to collapse at a point. Perlmutter was examining the expansion of the universe by studying the exploding stars called a supernova. When a star explodes it illuminates the light, we can calculate the distance of the star by the brightness of it when it explodes. Perlmutter and his team observed 42 dying stars and started calculating the math. But when the math came their results were wrong and they found that the universe is continuously expanding. These dying stars were fainter by nearly 20% when compared to their prior, which clearly explains the expansion of the universe. For his contribution and work on this theory, he received a Nobel Prize. 

                                                          SAUL PERLMUTTER

But what was interesting here is that what is causing the universe to speed up in expansion? The ultimate answer to the question given rise to the phenomenon "Dark Energy". Saul Perlmutter said that "The dark energy is just the term we use to describe whatever it that makes the universe accelerate in its expansion." Dark energy makes the universe expand faster. It is called dark not because its color is dark. Empty space has more energy than the entire universe and this empty space is everywhere. Some say that dark energy is not energy and it is just a property of space and others say that this empty space has some particles which are generated and disappeared from nothing spontaneously and continuously and the energy associated with these particles is Dark energy.

We don't know where and how it would react with other matter and don't how to detect it. About the dark energy and dark matter, there is more yet know. Until then what we know are just some theories. Keep following us for interesting facts and theories about our universe and our existence. 


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