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In case you haven't been keeping up with the last two articles in our wormhole series, it's been made pretty clear by now that these wormholes are some wonky wonders of our universe and everything about their nature just seems so crazy in contrast to the matter we interact in our everyday lives but just when you thought wormholes were beginning to make sense it turns out they have another surprise to them like we can use a traversable wormhole as a time machine to travel through the time to our future or past. 

Imagine if you wanted to travel to a galaxy that is far far away like million light-years away even with the fastest Rockets we still couldn't get there within a human lifetimeNow if you want to go into the details of the anatomy and what the definition of a wormhole is then I suggest checking out the previous two articles on wormholes in our blog because we're not going to be focusing on that in this article but nonetheless, A wormhole makes their impossibly long trip to a galaxy or (anywhere in space) much shorter by enabling us to take a sort of shortcut through the space required to get to the galaxy or (anywhere in space) but it turns out that wormholes can be used as more than just a quick getaway 

They could be the key to our past and future quite literally, how so? well we need to start with the basics of Einstein's theory of relativity let's say we have two individuals X and Y who both have a watch on their wrist, now let's say X got onto a spaceship that could travel at a pretty good fraction of the speed of light well when X gets back down from the spaceship he's gonna find that his watch is ticking much slower than Y that's because motion through space affects their motion through time. As you move faster through space, you move slower through time this is a phenomenon called "Time Dilation". We have also written an article about Time Dilation, you can check the article in our posts section.

It's pretty hard for us to notice the effects of time dilation in our everyday lives but it still occurs for example when you're driving your car time actually passes a few quadrillions of a second slower for you than someone who's remaining stationary outside. Speed isn't the only thing that can affect how fast you move through time as well going back to an earlier article about Time Dilation we all know by now that gravity can also dilate time since the presence of matter warps space and time the more matter present in an object the more that object warped space and time rounded and this stronger gravitational field means time actually runs slower within that field gravitational time dilation is present within our everyday life. For example, your feet actually age a few femtoseconds slower than your head since the Earth's gravitational tug on your feet is stronger than the tug on your head. Satellites that orbit earth actually experience time at a significantly faster pace than they do on Earth's surface due to the weaker gravity at such a high orbit and have to take this into account when providing GPS locations with these are still everyday scenarios. 

              When we approach a gravitational field of immense strength such as a black hole or approach light the speed we notice that time dilation becomes more intense in fact if we had two individuals and we kept one person on earth and placed the other in a starship which hovered safely near a black hole or flew through space at a good fraction of the speed of light the individual and the spaceship would notice the time going significantly slower for him than back on earth one year may have passed for a passenger on the spaceship while hundreds of years may have passed for our long-dead friend back on earth. How could we apply this principle to wormholes? 

 Well, it's simple kind of we simply put one mouth of the wormhole in a spacecraft and accelerate that spacecraft to a good fraction of light speed and keep the other mouth in a stationary position back here on earth when we decide to go through the fixed mouth here on earth and exit through the starship mouth we'd essentially be time travelling to the past since the starship the mouth is experiencing time at a much slower rate than us back here on earth. So essentially it's at a different point in time than we are now. Obviously, the technology that involves near-light-speed travel and creating wormholes is something we haven't invented yet and probably won't for a good amount of time but in theory, assuming that we did, this is how it could likely work time travel and general relativity. 

This is what we are wanting to dive into for a long time and with this article, that day has officially come now for you hardcore physics fans we know and are fully aware that there's more to time-travel than what's in this article but that's okay because this article was intended as a basic intro into a whole other exotic wacky branch of physics and it's about time to no pun intended so with that being said be sure to stick around for the next installment in the wormhole series where we take a more in-depth dive into the more complicated dynamics of time travel such as paradoxes and faster than light speed travel and as always stay tuned for more science.



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